is sharpie OK for marking eggs?


16 Years
Mar 26, 2007
Northern California -Inverness
I have a broody duck and we want to limit her nest. The other hens wll give her their eggs. Can I mark the eggs with sharpie permantent ink? That way I can remove the newer eggs from under her when she gets up. I tried pencil before but it gets washed off.

I agree, sharpies are no good for eggs. The ink can seep into the egg pores and kill the embryo.
Aaalrighty then.....what should we use???

my friend used a crayon,can that hurt them??? Can a highlighter or a magic marker hurt the eggs?i was planning on using a magic marker (washable) but will that be the same as the sharpies?
Hmmm, this is a problem. Pencil washes off and her housemates give her their eggs. I don't have a place to isolate her. I could try to keep track of the pencil markings and when they get faint, re-apply a mark. I was just not sure the led in the pencil was safe.

loop de loop.

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