Is she sick or being bullied?


7 Years
Jun 4, 2012
I have only had my 6 girls for 10 days, all are adult of different types. all the other chickens will not let the americana eat or have treats until they are done. She is very wary when approching the other birds and gets pecked and chased when she gets too close. what do you all think?
Sounds like she is on the bottom of the pecking order. Provide water and feed in several places to assure that she is getting enough to eat and drink.
My lowest in ranking bird is the same way. So I have several feeding and watering stations set up so everybody can use them without bickering.

As far as the treats, I always withhold a bit for my lowest bird, sneaking them to her when the others are preoccupied with gobbling down their goodies.
x2, I do the same for my lowest girls/kids.... I have 3 food/water places so everyone can get to it. - My Ameracauna rules the roost with an iron beak
I put a second feeder in the coop/run and she can now eat in peace. Thank you for all the advice.

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