IS something wrong??


8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
I have 5 white leghorns and there are a couple of them that will lay on there side and stretch there necks out and lift one wing. Is this something to worry about??
my chicks, all diff breeds have done this and usually they did it in the brooder under the heat lamp. Like they were sunning themselves.
How old are they? Are they panting? What temp do you have them at? Are they otherwise acting fine? (it sounds like normal chick behavior)

If you are using a brooder lamp, make sure they can get out of it to get cool if they need to. Fwiw, mine always liked it cooler than they were supposed to.
some say they are guarding their territory... I think they are just chillin like that. Mine have been doing it from day one and there fine. Granted they don't do it a lot but i occasionally see them doing it.
Sunning themselves. Wouldn't worry about it. Mine did that first time they went outside. They also slept on their sides in the brooder under the heat lamp.

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