Is the pecking order sometimes subtle?


7 Years
May 14, 2012
Northern Utah
We bought our 5 chicks at the hardware store on May 9th. They're probably 6/7 weeks old by now. This weekend they're moving out to the coop.

I keep reading threads about pecking order. Is it an obvious thing to see? I'll sit & watch them in their brooder and they all seem to get along just fine (i.e. no one is beating up one another).

Maybe they figured it out during their stay at the hardware store. They were the last 5 available and had maybe been there as a group for a while.

I apologize if this has been asked 3,485 times. I did a search but got lazy after a while. Thanks!
Their pecking order should all be settled by now so you'd have to watch them for a while to really get a feel for who is where on the ladder. Try putting a really good treat in with them, just enough for one or two birds, then watch who gets it first and who doesn't even really try. That will give you the outline of who is on top and bottom.

Sometimes pecking orders can be hard to suss out. My rooster pen occasionally confounds me as to who is on the top and bottom. Other times it is as clear as a bell.
Their pecking order should all be settled by now so you'd have to watch them for a while to really get a feel for who is where on the ladder. Try putting a really good treat in with them, just enough for one or two birds, then watch who gets it first and who doesn't even really try. That will give you the outline of who is on top and bottom.
Sometimes pecking orders can be hard to suss out. My rooster pen occasionally confounds me as to who is on the top and bottom. Other times it is as clear as a bell.

Once a pecking order has been established then there should be no problems. You can easily tell who is on top, with a little observation, once you know the sublties and the social dynamics to watch for within the flock.
Once a pecking order has been established then there should be no problems. You can easily tell who is on top, with a little observation, once you know the sublties and the social dynamics to watch for within the flock.

Well, I'm new, and certainly haven't figured out those subtleties. My five, purchased together as 2 or 3 day old chicks seem to get along fine, most of the time. They'll face off once in a while, but there's no one that seems to dominate those encounters. As for the roost, there's 9 feet of roost available on two levels for 5 hens. They use up about 16 inches of it, squishing into one ball of chicken on one end of the upper roost.
Two of them didn't read the book about how they like a 4 inch wide, flat roost, either. They stake their claim on the 1-1/2 inch edge of the 2x4 that supports the "real" roost.
Well, I'm new, and certainly haven't figured out those subtleties. My five, purchased together as 2 or 3 day old chicks seem to get along fine, most of the time. They'll face off once in a while, but there's no one that seems to dominate those encounters. As for the roost, there's 9 feet of roost available on two levels for 5 hens. They use up about 16 inches of it, squishing into one ball of chicken on one end of the upper roost.
Two of them didn't read the book about how they like a 4 inch wide, flat roost, either. They stake their claim on the 1-1/2 inch edge of the 2x4 that supports the "real" roost.

LOL! I'd love to see a pic. I've heard of other people's chickens doing the same (squishing together in a small spot, often an unplanned one). I have a feeling we'll build an amazing roost to proper specifications and find them not using it.
I'll try and get one tonight. I hate to flash them when they're going to bed, but I imagine they'll get over it.

They use the roost, just not likely to use it the way you think they'll use it.

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