Is there a way to tell the age of a grown chicken?


Flap Your Wings!
7 Years
Jan 9, 2013
Saving Battery Hens at Happy Hen Chicken Rescue in
My Coop
My Coop
I rescued 6 chickens about 7 months ago on the side of the road. They were all full grown. They did have mites they are gone now, they are with my other chickens. I just really want to know how old they are. Is there a way to tell a grown chickens age? They dont lay often. They lay maybe 3 or 4 eggs a week. Their breeds are: Americauna, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds and there was a Barred Rock but she got sick and died a few weeks ago :( now there are 5 hens. If anyone has any advice on how to tell I would appreciate it. If anyone can tell by pictures here are some:

Buff Orpington:

Thanks I appreiciate it! Oh and if there is no way to tell grown chickens age I would like to know!
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why did you steal someone's chickens?
No of course not. I rescued them from the side of the street they were all sick. I did not steal them someone had dumped them there. They were on nobodys property. I would never steal someones chickens. Does anyone know how to tell growns chickens age? If this helps there feet and legs are kinda worn out. And there nails are kind of twisted. My first thought was that they lived in wire cages before they were dumped, but Idk anything about telling a grwn chickens age.
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There really is no reliable way to tell the age of a chicken. Its obviously when they are still young and growing. Once they mature they give no tells that say I'm three or I'm five. Take laying some are spent at three others keep at it much longer.

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