Is there an equivalent to BYC for cattle?


6 Years
Nov 18, 2017
Any websites (forums) that you guys recommend for raising cows (cattle) thats similar to BYC? Im looking to do some research on what it would really take to get into farming with low capital.

Or YouTube channels you reccomend on the same subject.

Any websites (forums) that you guys recommend for raising cows (cattle) thats similar to BYC? Im looking to do some research on what it would really take to get into farming with low capital.

Or YouTube channels you reccomend on the same subject.

Look at the bottom of this page and you should find a link to
Beef magazine is a good resource, though not really aimed at small farmers. But it does have a lot of good management advice. So is the beef site. While I like Backyard herds, it's simply not as specialised as the beef site, and it doesn't have as much traffic.

My father got into beef cattle mostly by accident, so I learned a few things after the fact, the most relevant of which is this: Your cheapest start would be to buy younger cows (3-5 years) bred, with calves at their sides. Not only are you assured that the cow is fertile, you can get her calving history and learn if she has had any problems. Better, you may be able to learn if her mother has had any problems. Cows can have a long breeding life, if properly taken care of, so a five year old cow is by no means old.

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