Is there any food your chickens should like, but don't?

Believe it or not, my girls refuse to eat corn found in scratch! They eat fresh, soft corn but not the hard corn! LOL
Nope, mine pick it out of their food...their run is covered in dried corn, too. Theyll eat freshly cooked, but not dried up! Im noticing that as my fermentation starts to kick in, they're being more open to the corn in the feed.
Mine also go NUTS over cheese, you have to be careful where your fingers are when hand feeding pieces of cheese to them.

My big surprize was worms, out of 7 hens I think only one or two like worms the rest are not interested. When the roo finds a worm he has a hard time trying to get anyone to eat it, he just keeps clucking and moving it and they keep checking it out and dropping it. If I put a pile of worms in the run with them only one or two will eat them all.
My girls love their fruit veg and table scraps when I walk out of the house and start tapping the box they come a running and one of them always jumps up to knock the box out of my hand. They,re great little feeders. The one thing they did hate was hanging a cabbage from a string I thought I,d have great fun watching them. They came in had a look and walked back out that was it.they prefer when I throw them snails they have a good peck at the shells trying to get it out . I think that's they,re favourite
i am having the same problem. i have given mine lettuce, green beans, cucumbers, cracked corn and sunflower seeds and the only thing they seem to like is the bugs under the bale of hay i have in their enclosure. i have also asked the forum if some chickens only like insects and if it happens what do I give them? i checked into mealy worms cos i heard chickens like them but they were a little pricey

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