is there any hatchery that.....

Yes there are a few hatcheries that would sell pullets of that age but shipping is a killer at that price! You are limited in certain breeds such as White Leghorns, Sex Links and sometimes EEs.
I believe they all sell started chickens, (17 weeks) but they all cut their peaks back (sorry the term escapes me) so they can't pick at each other. I think that's inhumane personally.
Meyers does, but they will be debeaked. Stromberg's sells adult birds also, but they're exhibition stock. Were I you, I'd just check local sources. Lots of people will run adds in the paper or free circulars, check craigslist also.
You'd save a lot of $$ in the long run.
I don't know where in Kansas you are, but there are some local auctions throughout the state that sell poultry. Yoder's auction is tomorrow night at 6 if you're anywhere close.

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