Is there anything chickens SHOULDNT eat?? (people-food wise)


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 9, 2007
NW Washington State
So I know that most animals have a list of "no-no" foods. Like for dogs & cats, they say no chocolate & coffee (duh), onion, grapes. Rabbits have a HUGE list of "no's" including iceberg lettuce and various other veggies, fruits, etc.

Is there anything that can be dangerous for chickens, or are they just smart enough to not eat something they shouldn't? I've seen posts about feeding garlic, but is onion okay too? What about soy products, bread, various veggie seeds/skins (potato, squash seeds, pepper seeds, etc)?

Just don't wanna poison my chickens.
Of course none of the above would be a regular food source... just a treat (currently I've been tossing my cutting board scraps out for them after dinner, with whatever veggie pieces I can't use).
Hi kittikatti69 , and welcome to BYC!

I found a site with a very looooong list of toxic plants for chickens, so it's a good source of information for what veggies and or fruits are not OK. and the page is 'Toxic Plants'.

I have to tell you that though I found that Kale was listed as a no-no on that list, several people in this forum have said they feed Kale to their flock. So....

Also, do a search for toxic foods or go to this topic thread: for more info there.
oH yes. We're my chickens r we have greenhouse so I am always goin in them and picking out the leaves that the slugs have fed on..I have givin my babys Kale and Indian didn't do anything to them I don't think but I am goin to make sure I stick away from those ones from now on....just to be careful
Glad it was a help.

It is puzzling about the Kale. The only thing I can think of is that maybe a little bit once in a while must be OK. Or maybe it is an accumulative thing?
Anyway, I was happy to learn of that list from a member here by the screen-name 'tricia', but I haven't seen any posts from her in a long while.
I think most (not all) of the toxic stuff is like that... a little bit here and there doesn't hurt (usually). Or else it has to build up to a toxic level over time... Kinda like chocolate with dogs. SO many people tell me how they used to give their dogs chocolate as a treat and nothing ever happened. Even mine have nabbed the occassional candy bar from an unsuspecting kid and even the pugs have been okay. Freaked MOM out though... but I guess I'm just a worrywort.
Even with my bunny, (and bunnies apparently have extremely sensitive systems, as per the "bunny experts") - I'd been giving him cherry branches to chew on (knowing apple branches were okay, and seeing the ones at the store listed as "fruit wood"). Apparently they're toxic too. He didnt' seem to think so, but I stopped giving them anyway.
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