Is there anything wrong with my guinea


Jul 31, 2018
Hey guys so i have a guinea with my flock. Recently i have noticed her taking her time to get around. When she was a keet she would scream when she was picked up or held. Now we have no problem touching her, petting her, picking her up, etc. Is there something wrong with her or is she just now the most sweetest laid back bird ever?
Hard to say, some animals grow more relaxed as they get older. It could just be that. If you've built a level of trust with her then I don't think it's a problem. But, you noticed a problem I'm guessing since this post is here. Think about what it is that's changed. Why are you noticing this now? If you can give more details of what it is that's different, we can try to give some more input as to helping
sorry for getting back so late, she is now 24 weeks going on 25 weeks. When she started getting her adult feathers is when she calmed down. She was a wild one when she had her brown feathers. I have also recently noticed her separating from the flock and going to a different corner of the run to lay down like she was about to lay an egg, but there is never an egg.
I think she's fine she's just starting to get broody in preparation for eggs. My lavender pied girl Fuzzy has been a bit like that too even though laying season here doesn't start for another couple of weeks. Does she feel heavy when you pick her up? She's old enough to start laying, has she laid any eggs yet?
I think she's fine she's just starting to get broody in preparation for eggs. My lavender pied girl Fuzzy has been a bit like that too even though laying season here doesn't start for another couple of weeks. Does she feel heavy when you pick her up? She's old enough to start laying, has she laid any eggs yet?
Again sorry for the late response, had lots to do. I dont really have anything to compare her weight to, i never really started to pick her up until recently when i put her in the coop. And she recently started getting some fuzzy feathers on her, is this molting, or what. And when is laying season. Im in North Florida, would it be the same, from what ive read i didn't think it would be till after January. No she has not laid any eggs yet, i just recently started getting eggs from a few of my other chickens and they are the same age as her.
Again sorry for the late response, had lots to do. I dont really have anything to compare her weight to, i never really started to pick her up until recently when i put her in the coop. And she recently started getting some fuzzy feathers on her, is this molting, or what. And when is laying season. Im in North Florida, would it be the same, from what ive read i didn't think it would be till after January. No she has not laid any eggs yet, i just recently started getting eggs from a few of my other chickens and they are the same age as her.
In the southern states some guineas begin laying in late November or December. It is usually only for a short period of time after which they stop laying until the next spring.
Yeah sorry to confuse your laying season (I'm in Australia so it's backwards for me) but you guys are in autumn right? Since she's matured while it's still laying season she might start laying (like R2elk said)... but she might not. None of my girls did until the next year. I really think she's fine unless she shows any signs of getting sick. Good that you care about her though. And fuzzy feathers could just be for the upcoming winter? Best of luck!

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