Is there downside to treating for coccidosis without diagnosis? *graphic poop*


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2015

I posted this 2 days ago and I had one kind person reply. He suggested treating for corridosis. I found poop with blood 2 days in a row on the poop board and then today I didn't find any. I did find some later in the day in the run. None of the chickens are acting "sick" from what I can tell. This is our first batch of chickens and they are about 12 weeks old. I talked to a vet today and she said we could run the test, but now it's late on Saturday and they are closed. Should I wait until Monday or just treat with Corid?

Here is what I found on the poop board (took a picture after I had put it in the poop compost). Also, can I still use this poop compost if it is infected?

Any advice or thoughts would be great!
I forgot to add that we have 8 girls (2 sliver laced Wynadottes, 2 Black Star, 2 Americanas and 2 White Rocks). I have no idea which one is pooping blood. I think it might be one of the sliver laced Wyandottes, but I'm not sure. I watched them for a while today to try to find out.
This could be cocci or intestinal shedding.
I haven't seen any downside to using Corid even if the chickens don't have cocci. In fact, I've seen it prescribed to treat for it even if you aren't sure that they have cocci, and I've given that advice as well.
Cocci can kill quickly, the younger the birds are the harder the disease is on their bodies. Even if they don't appear to be sick right now, it could show symptoms suddenly.
So yes, I would start treating them with Corid. The vet can then run the test and if they don't have cocci, you could stop the treatment.
Do you know the correct dose?

I'm not sure about your compost question. I personally wouldn't do it, because I'm not sure how long the new generation of organisms can live in the poop to infect another bird.

It really doesn't matter which bird had the bloody poop, they probably all have cocci if one has it. It spreads within a flock very easily. Treating all of them in their water is the best option and then they'll all be exposed to medicine and therefore safe.
The dosage is 1/2 teaspoon of the 20% POWDER Corid per gallon of water.
1 teaspoon of the LIQUID Corid per gallon of water.
Treat for 5-7 days, make sure the medicated water is their only water source and everyone drinks.
I wasn't sure what type of Corid you had access to so I included both dosages since they are slightly different.
Coccidia protozoa are everywhere in a chicken's environment. Healthy chickens even have a low level of the protozoa in their intestines. They become immune to them over time. But, stress can cause the protozoa to overcome the chicken's system, then the chicken gets sick.

There are several different strains of coccidia, that is why when a new chicken is introduced to your flock, coccidia will flair up. So, don't worry about the poop from the sick chicken in your compost heap.
It's always better to treat right away if you even suspect Coccidia. There is absolutely no harm in treating, since the treatment is a thiamine blocker, not an actual medicine. Delaying treatment, on the other hand, can result in a dead flock. Coccidia can kill very quickly.
I just wanted to correct the dosage to what most are using nowadays. Corid 2 tsp of the liquid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder will treat an acute infection of coccidia. And if my chickens had droppings like that I would go ahead and use Corid. Corid is much more easy on chickens than sulfa antibiotics.
Thanks for updating the dosage Eggcessive. I did get the 9.6% bovine solution from the store. I put 1 tsp in a little less than one gallon of water. It's too dark out now and I don't want to scare the girls, so I'll up the dosage in the morning. Hopefully this resolves before anyone shows more symptoms!
Well I put treated water in the coop last night, but I added another treated water to the run area. The girls were ready to get out into the run. Everyone ran out here excited. The poop board didn't show any more abnormal poop, but I'll continue to treat. I'm feeling better about the girls. Thank you for the advice!!

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