Is this a badly healed broken foot? Is she in pain? Help!

Is she okay or should she be euthanized?

  • I think she's okay

  • Probably put her down

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I just got word that they are going to euthanize her after Christmas. :( They had a vet come out and assess the chickens. Here is what I got in an e-mail:

"Sadly, we will be euthanizing the gray chicken soon. I’ve heard her referenced as Macy Gray, Lady Gray, and a few others. She is the gray chicken that has gimpy feet, doesn’t roost, and has trouble walking. The vet believes she broke her feet many years ago and that her movement will never improve. As such, she isn’t able to defend herself and at night is literally sitting food for all of the rats. I want her to have a peaceful euthanasia over becoming rat food."

There has been a rat problem in the coop for over a year. I've never noticed them bothering her. I wish I had a place I could keep her as a pet, but my apartment doesn't allow animals.

This has been a tough Christmas, so maybe I'm just overreacting to this news, but it feels very sad and senseless.
This is sad.
I’m sorry.

The foundation which funds this historical park should have made provisions to care for these animals in a better, safer and more humane manner to start with.

Historic doesn’t mean ignorant. Nor does it mean irresponsible.

But to set up a vignette of the “olden days” without providing adequate care for or protection of these birds is, in my opinion, both of these things.

Rats for a year. Inexcusable.

Maybe they should consider re-homing the chickens and setting up a candle making demo instead.
This is sad.
I’m sorry.

The foundation which funds this historical park should have made provisions to care for these animals in a better, safer and more humane manner to start with.

Historic doesn’t mean ignorant. Nor does it mean irresponsible.

But to set up a vignette of the “olden days” without providing adequate care for or protection of these birds is, in my opinion, both of these things.

Rats for a year. Inexcusable.

Maybe they should consider re-homing the chickens and setting up a candle making demo instead.
I have to agree with everything you said.

I too think maybe it's time for these people to rethink chicken keeping.
Yeah, the rats are an issue. To be fair, they have been trying to deal with it, there's just a bunch of them. They have exterminators out there every other month, it's just taking a while because they are doing it naturally so that the chickens don't eat poison or something. But even so, I don't think it's right to make Macy Gray pay for bad living conditions with her life.

Thankfully, I may have a neighbor that can take her in as a pet. She adopted a chicken I found roaming the streets back in September after locating the owner. I'm going to go check out the coop conditions tomorrow and see if they will be good for Macy Gray. Hoping and praying this will work out, this neighbor only lives a few houses down from me, so I could even visit Ms. Gray, potentially!
Yeah, the rats are an issue. To be fair, they have been trying to deal with it, there's just a bunch of them. They have exterminators out there every other month, it's just taking a while because they are doing it naturally so that the chickens don't eat poison or something. But even so, I don't think it's right to make Macy Gray pay for bad living conditions with her life.

Thankfully, I may have a neighbor that can take her in as a pet. She adopted a chicken I found roaming the streets back in September after locating the owner. I'm going to go check out the coop conditions tomorrow and see if they will be good for Macy Gray. Hoping and praying this will work out, this neighbor only lives a few houses down from me, so I could even visit Ms. Gray, potentially!
I just read through the whole thread, this is so sad and so unnecessary, quite maddening to be honest. I really hope that neighbour can take poor Macy. Sorry you got this news during a difficult time. Hopefully that neighbours coop will be ok. You don't want her going to a place which will make things more difficult for her. :barnie
So I went and saw the coop. It's an older coop that has a ramp going up to the entrance, the coop itself is lifted off the ground on stilts. So probably not good for a chicken with a bad leg. :/

They told me they were planning on building a new coop this spring though. They'll be fencing off a large area of the yard for the chicken I found on the streets in Sept. They are getting chicks in the spring to keep the hen company and would love to give their current chicken a companion before then, but they don't want it to be a bad situation for her.

They asked if the history park could hold onto Macy Gray for a few months until they build it, or if I could find someone else who could take her temporarily if the park wasn't willing to. Not ideal, but an option.

The husband said if no one could take her, they'd be happy to build her a special heated wooden box to stay in underneath the current raised coop until the new chicken house is built.

I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks for the support! <3
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So I went and saw the coop. It's an older coop that has a ramp going up to the entrance, the coop itself is lifted off the ground on stilts. They told me they were planning on building a new coop and fencing off a large area of the yard for the chicken I found on the streets in Sept. They are getting chicks in the spring to keep the hen company.

They want to take Macy Gray, but they don't want it to be a bad situation for her. They asked if the history park could hold onto her for a few months until they build it, or if I could find someone else who could take her temporarily if the park wasn't willing to. Not ideal, but an option. The husband said if no on could take her, they'd be happy to build her a special heated box to stay in underneath the current raised coop until the new chicken house is built for the two hens.

I'll keep you guys posted! Thanks for the support! <3
Good news :thumbsup Yes please do keep posted! Poor Macy Grey. If she only knew how many fingers are crossed for her :fl
Well, never mind I guess.

I just got an e-mail saying thanks for the offer, but we're going with euthanasia. "There isn’t a way for us to tell how much pain she is in and putting her down seems like the most humane path to follow at this point."

Thanks for you help with everything that has been going on with her, everyone.
Well, never mind I guess.

I just got an e-mail saying thanks for the offer, but we're going with euthanasia. "There isn’t a way for us to tell how much pain she is in and putting her down seems like the most humane path to follow at this point."

Thanks for you help with everything been going on with her, everyone.
Oh no. So so sorry.

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