Is this a dumped domestic goose?

I'll give that a try, Miss Lydia! I always sweet talk him when he's acting appropriately, but he sorta sees me as a threat no matter what voice I'm using. I think that feeding him lettuce from a bowl will help him to trust me and fear me (is that possible? ha!). Maybe instead of fear I mean respect. Yeah, that's what I mean.

Your flock must be happy to have you
Do you use fresh corn like right off the cob, or is it some kind of dried whole kernel corn that you can get from the feed store?
Just the gander in him Tracy we can't take it personal lol. and the breed of gander, Chinese/ Embden have reputations for being ornery I can vouch for the Embden lol

I use dried whole corn from the feed store, but corn on the cob would work I could never lay down an ear of corn though there would be mayhem in the barn yard the geese against everyone else, so I toss some corn on the ground for everyone except Sam he gets to eat out of the bowl. I have fed corn on the cob before but I only had 2 geese then having 4 now they rule the yard with an iron wing.

I am thinking the same Tracy your flock are very blessed to have you as their caretaker.
Haha, iron wing indeed!

Thanks for the kind words :) I have been focusing lately on one of my runner girls, she seems to be having issues with egg laying for a few weeks. For the past couple of weeks, her tail has been bobbing when she's napping. Now for the past couple of days, she is becoming a little more lethargic each day and her bill is becoming pale. She is still eating and drinking normally as far as I can tell. My best guess is that she is egg bound, but i don't have the experience to say for sure. She is 6 months old, so now would be the time that oviduct issues would arise I think. I just don't know what's going on, I've been supplementing her diet with a little calcium gluconate for a few days... and with her worsening state I don't know whether to increase the amount of calc gluc, or stop it all together. Ever seen anything like this before?
Haha, iron wing indeed!

Thanks for the kind words :) I have been focusing lately on one of my runner girls, she seems to be having issues with egg laying for a few weeks. For the past couple of weeks, her tail has been bobbing when she's napping. Now for the past couple of days, she is becoming a little more lethargic each day and her bill is becoming pale. She is still eating and drinking normally as far as I can tell. My best guess is that she is egg bound, but i don't have the experience to say for sure. She is 6 months old, so now would be the time that oviduct issues would arise I think. I just don't know what's going on, I've been supplementing her diet with a little calcium gluconate for a few days... and with her worsening state I don't know whether to increase the amount of calc gluc, or stop it all together. Ever seen anything like this before?
I had 1 Muscovy ducks with egg laying problems this year, lost her because I didn't see any sign of trouble till too late, I have read and I did do this with mine letting them soak in warm water will cause them to relax and possible lay the egg. also putting them on moist heat like wrapping a towel around a heating pad on lowest setting can cause humidity and help. Yes keep up the cal glu. I have it on hand now since my one duck I had used the coral cal with her. Also putting something like KY jelly up the vent can sometimes help the egg to come out easier. I'm sorry your going through this right now, some have had this happen and gotten their geese/ducks through it. So there is always hope. please keep us updated. you may find more info if you go to the search bar and type in egg bound duck.
Well, it is happening... the gander is mating with my ducks. I just saw it today for the first time (happened twice). There is no way the ducks can take that every day without getting hurt or possibly killed!

I'm pretty desperate to find him a home. I would bring in a female or two, but I seriously don't have the space (my duck yard is hardly big enough for the gander and 8 ducks).
Well, it is happening... the gander is mating with my ducks. I just saw it today for the first time (happened twice). There is no way the ducks can take that every day without getting hurt or possibly killed!

I'm pretty desperate to find him a home. I would bring in a female or two, but I seriously don't have the space (my duck yard is hardly big enough for the gander and 8 ducks).
Runners? well My gander which is quiet a bit heavier than your Chinese mated for 5 years with Muscovy who weigh tops at 4-5 lbs. they didn't seem to mind one bit and he never hurt one. I know you want to find him a home but I don't think he would hurt your ducks as long as they have water to mate in. Of course your the one there seeing what's happening and how they are acting with him. Water fowl mating can be rough more so with ducks than with geese though.
Good news :) I found someone through my local feed store who keeps a few geese as car alarms for their flock! They picked him up today and took him back to their brown chinese in the town next to mine.

With the mating, I was mostly worried about the different methods used. My runner ducks follow a wham, bam, thank you m'am approach; they are quick and the drakes run away as soon as they're done, giving the girls some time and space to recoup and freshen up. The gander has more of what I'd call a slow, romantic approach with lots of "cuddling" afterward. Which sounds nice and sweet, but he has a strong grip
He would take quite a while holding them down as he got into position, then he'd hold on to them by the neck afterwards while the girls would struggle to get away. I understand also that geese are known for their "endurance," and go at it multiple times in one session without any breaks. Couldn't really see my girls getting down with that and I definitely foresaw some injuries.

I can see that this would work for some geese-duck couples, but I just wasn't comfortable with how it panned out for mine.

Thanks everyone for all the tips and support!!!
It was quite the adventure.
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Good news :) I found someone through my local feed store who keeps a few geese as car alarms for their flock! They picked him up today and took him back to their brown chinese in the town next to mine.

With the mating, I was mostly worried about the different methods used. My runner ducks follow a wham, bam, thank you m'am approach; they are quick and the drakes run away as soon as they're done, giving the girls some time and space to recoup and freshen up. The gander has more of what I'd call a slow, romantic approach with lots of "cuddling" afterward. Which sounds nice and sweet, but he has a strong grip
He would take quite a while holding them down as he got into position, then he'd hold on to them by the neck afterwards while the girls would struggle to get away. I understand also that geese are known for their "endurance," and go at it multiple times in one session without any breaks. Couldn't really see my girls getting down with that and I definitely foresaw some injuries.

I can see that this would work for some geese-duck couples, but I just wasn't comfortable with how it panned out for mine.

Thanks everyone for all the tips and support!!!
It was quite the adventure.
Congrats on finding him a home, and well done for looking after him so well.
My geese don´t do any 'endurance' thing, I have to say, and I´ve never heard of it, either, also not personally heard of anyone having a gander that hurt ducks. Goodness, you should see my Muscovies!!!!! How the females can hold their breath long enough I don´t know!
But, you have to do what you´re comfortable with, so, thanks for letting us know the good outcome. You should only have the ones you like, after all. Enjoy your ducks!
Good news :) I found someone through my local feed store who keeps a few geese as car alarms for their flock! They picked him up today and took him back to their brown chinese in the town next to mine.

With the mating, I was mostly worried about the different methods used. My runner ducks follow a wham, bam, thank you m'am approach; they are quick and the drakes run away as soon as they're done, giving the girls some time and space to recoup and freshen up. The gander has more of what I'd call a slow, romantic approach with lots of "cuddling" afterward. Which sounds nice and sweet, but he has a strong grip
He would take quite a while holding them down as he got into position, then he'd hold on to them by the neck afterwards while the girls would struggle to get away. I understand also that geese are known for their "endurance," and go at it multiple times in one session without any breaks. Couldn't really see my girls getting down with that and I definitely foresaw some injuries.

I can see that this would work for some geese-duck couples, but I just wasn't comfortable with how it panned out for mine.

Thanks everyone for all the tips and support!!!
It was quite the adventure.
I was just thinking about you and your rescue goose, I am so glad you found him a good home.

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