Is this a Hamburg ? Is she a she?


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Livermore, California
"Her name is Woodstock...strange looking chicken to me. She looks nothing like any of my other young birds. I thought maybe she is a Hamburg. Also wondering if she is a pullet or roo. Thanks.
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Thanks solarquail! I was so frustrated! Whew. Well, any ideas on this chicken? My daughter and I started perusing the breed pages and thought she is maybe a Crevecour. Dunno. the kid at the feed store thought maybe a hamburg, but i don't think so now.
Your birdie may be crossed with a Hamburg, but my Hamburg doesn't have the poof on top. The poof makes it look like a Polish.

(I'm at work and don't have any pics of my Hamburg here, otherwise I would post her pic for you)
Woodstock is a standard chicken and her feet are blackish in color. Her beak is so different than my BO and cochin too. Her feet are not feathered. I was originally told when i bought her that she was a black cochin. When we got home we realized she did not have feathers on her feet.
This looks just like my black polish crested. If I ever figure how to upload photos I will send you one of Kramer. They could be twins. I have Silver Spangled Hamburgs and this is not one.
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