Is this a problem that can even be solved? Bold ducks,,,,


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
Hey all~

I have raised 4 Muscovy ducks since they were 3 weeks old (they are now 14 weeks). They initially kept to the lawn and their duck habitat. I got them to help with the tick problem so I have wanted them to be free range during the day.

Now, they are coming on the deck and they are perching on the trampoline (even though it's netted) and roosting up in the oak trees above our house at night. I don't want to clip their wings because we have a lot of predators in the area and we are not allowed to completely fence in our property due to wildlife migration patterns.

But the poop is everywhere! I could deal with it fine just on the lawn. But hubby says it's no bueno. Either I find a solution or I've got to find them a new home.
I would say try and make a screen or block off that area for a while, it might not need to be an indefinite thing, just re focus them and get them to go elsewhere where they are happy...They are obviously happy on your porch :) Don't get rid of them because of that, you will be able to re train them I am sure......
I just thought of this...what about making them their own perch? Would that maybe help them to not seek these higher places in the yard?
Anything is worth a try? My ducks don't perch, so I am not sure. I have Muscovy's 12 of them and not one perches, however they like to climb on the hay bales (sometimes) and not to high just one or two bales, but as mentioned not too often. I don't think you would have to have your porch blocked off for long, I think they are smart and will learn to go elsewhere that is of interest to them. GoodLuck Keep us informed :)

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