is this a problem ??


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2015
These littles are 8 week old Muscovies I am co

ncerned about this guys wings ..whats going on ? they stay out all the time
Sorry to see your poor little guy with problems! It looks like it could be angel wing. Get some vet tape and wrap it around his midsection binding his wings to his sides. Not too tight! From what I've read about it over the years, it's caused by a diet high in calories and protien.
I hope it works out for you let us know how he progresses.
Good luck!
That's the start of angel wing. Do some quick searching and then wrap the wings. Reduce the protein a bit and you should be able to correct it.
thanks again. He is now sporting a lime green t-shirt sleeve. I will keep you posted.

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