Is this a rat?

It just gets weirder...

Eewww. What IS that? Dead chick? Or frog, maybe? Is it under the mat like last time?

I've been following the thread to see how it works out and because I'm learning a lot about problem rats! I'm crossing my fingers for you that you catch the culprits!!
I really like trail camera pictures! One of the best parts of summer
Holy $!!*%$!! Whatever the scumbag is it's bringing frogs in it's nest!??! You're absolutely just gets weirder.......
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Yeah, it's a small frog. I lifted the mat up and thought it was babies at first! So MF likes frog legs. We have a little menu going on here: eggs on tuesdays, frog on thursday....

Nothing on the cam yet.
It sounds like a rat to me, if for no other reason but rats are RIDICULOUSLY ANNOYINGLY smart. And fast. Your trail cam might not pick up on them if they're just scurrying by. Do you have it pointed at the hole or it's little treasure chest where it's stashing stuff??
Looks like a ground squirrel hole, you might have better luck if you set a live trap the squirrel sized one. Put a little scratch for bait. I've caught over 20 of them this way. Get him quick before they multiply. I decided to go back to having a cat never seen any when we had a cat. When you set the trap put a few good sized rock on the sides of the trap and one on top when they get caught they bounce around so much it can knock the trap on is side and set them loose. Best of luck.
My future mighty white hunter :)

Hope your mighty white hunter turns out to be as good as my Frostfur. :)


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