Is this a RIR?

I just had my first shipment of chicks. This is the only one I'm not sure about. All the others match up with pics I've seen - is this a RIR?
Excellent posts by MegH!

Given the fluffy cheeks and slate looking legs, I'm going to guess EE. Depending on the hatchery, maybe they threw in an extra EE when your lavender orp didn't hatch ...

It's definitely not a barred rock - no head spot and the legs would be yellow with black wash, not slate/black.
First picture below is BR at 2 days old (front) and a black australorp behind it.
My 2nd picture below shows three 2 day old Welsummers. The one in the middle turned out to be a rooster.
Third pic is yet another couple EEs- they come in soooo many colors it's ridiculous (but fun!)
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Thanks for the great posts!
I've got it figured out now, the EE is now obvious to me and the RIR is darker than the pick they had listed on the site.
Thanks for the great posts!
I've got it figured out now, the EE is now obvious to me and the RIR is darker than the pick they had listed on the site.

Hey, this was fun! Happy that you've got your little peepers identified! ...and, I'm very blessed to be here with you all!

RIR are not red from the start. They are actually quite light, creamy yellow with perhaps a very light tan brown on wing tips. Never the less, this is not a RIR.
RIR are not red from the start. They are actually quite light, creamy yellow with perhaps a very light tan brown on wing tips. Never the less, this is not a RIR.

I don't know what that chicken is but my RIRs were a rusty red from the start with some patterns on their backs and one had what looked like eye liner around both of her eyes.
Hahaha! Just looked at my chickie posts from a few months ago... Here's Whoot all grown up...


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