Is this a Roo???


Aug 7, 2015
Salem, SC
Hello again BYC Community!

I'm raising 8 chicks; 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks, and 2 Black Austrolorps. They are about a month old. One of my barred rocks is distinct from the other two, and I'm suspicious that its a roo despite having ordered all ladies. Mind you, it won't matter if it does turn out to be a roo - we live in a rural area without neighbors too close and he can protect the flock. I'm just curious if I need to stop calling it Emmylou and call him Elvis instead!

Anyway, the barring is much more pronounced than the other two, the comb seems bigger than the other two, the wattles are already reddish, and this chick is leaner than the other two. His legs seem super thick compared to his sisters, too. Here are some photos, and any input would be much appreciated!

A photo of the chick in question's wing feathers.

chick in question in the forefront, showing more pronounced barring against the other chick's more polka-dotty markings.

Thick baby legs.

Chick in question in the very back right next to one of the other barred rocks.

Wing plumage

View of comb

comb and wattle

Reddish tint to wattle, pronounced comb, definitive barring on wing, thick legs, erect stance.

Looking very dinosaury.

The other two barred rocks, two BOs, and 1 Black Austrolorp.
I don't see anything screaming cockerel at this point, and given the dark barring and black wash on the front of the legs, I'm thinking it's likely a pullet. It may just be developing a little faster than your other pullets. :eek:)
Kinda hard to tell, but it looks like my barred rock cockerels I hatched this past summer. So I would say cockerel but I've been wrong before.
I find that I can usually tell my barred rock/mix cockerels from the pullets at 3 weeks by the pronounced difference in their combs and shanks. I would say that your gut instinct with this one is correct. I vote roo.

Great that you will be able to keep him anyway.
Love your captions. Handsome little chick. I'm no expert but I vote boy due to comb and wattle development at 1 month. Enjoy them! They grow up fast!
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Thanks for all the input! I'm certainly leaning towards roo; his comb started reddening today. Took this photo of the little velociraptor this afternoon! Thanks again!
Well the new photo doesn't seem to be showing up from the app. I'll add it tomorrow with my computer. Thanks again to everyone who had wisdom for me! Night y'all!

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