Is this a sizzle? Any guesses on gender?


15 Years
Apr 13, 2009
SK, Canada
I got a few eggs labeled as "Silkie" along with some other eggs I purchased this spring. Only one hatched, and this is the resulting bird. Am I correct in guessing it's actually a sizzle? And any idea what gender it is? It's so fluffy, half the time we can only tell which end is which by the direction it's going
It looks to be a silkie cross with a frizzle feathered breed but it’s not actually a “sizzle” until it has all silkie feathers I do believe ?? Since it’s smooth feathered it most likely only has 1 copy of the silkie feathering gene. If they have 2 copies of the gene they come out with the silkie breed feathering as it’s a recessive gene. I recently got some silkie crosses and 3 are frizzle feathered and they look a lot like yours!
It looks to be a silkie cross with a frizzle feathered breed but it’s not actually a “sizzle” until it has all silkie feathers I do believe ?? Since it’s smooth feathered it most likely only has 1 copy of the silkie feathering gene. If they have 2 copies of the gene they come out with the silkie breed feathering as it’s a recessive gene. I recently got some silkie crosses and 3 are frizzle feathered and they look a lot like yours!
I can’t see from the photos but does it have 5 toes and blue ear lobes at all?

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