Is This an EE roo or hen??

I had an EE Roo and i have pics posted in my profile page of him. He had the same brown bars in the wings like that. My EE girls did not get red combs til about 6 months old.
The shape of the comb alone tells me it's a male. You can clearly see three rows on it (peacomb), and it's larger and more red than a female's would be. A female comb would not look as large and defined.
Sorry, but with EEs you can't judge sex by the comb, at all.
That IS a pullet. The body is female.

I can tell you with certainty that you surely can at 2 months old tell a male from female by the comb. Females do not get red in the comb until about 16-18 weeks old. I do not use that as my only indicator tho. This bird is definitely a boy, unless the age is wrong. Thick pink comb, pointy neck feathers and red wings tells me its a boy. I've been breeding various colored EEs for years and can usually tell by 5 weeks with most certainty. You cannot go by body structure as the picture does not give a defined body outline and is deceiving to the eyes.

I'm going with boy, also. Here's why...

A pic of 2 of our EE's at 9 weeks old, in front is Buckwheat (cockeral) and behind him is one of our EE pullets, Lacey.


Hope this helps!

The EEs I hatched from Jody's eggs are 6-8 weeks now. There is a distinct difference in the comb between the males and females. The comb is red and much larger in the males; in the females it's a pale greyish skin colour, and much less noticeable. It's almost flat to their head, whereas the males' stand out 1/4" or so and are much wider.

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