Is this an excuse to prevent people from having chickens?


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Catawba NC
To prevent salmonella: Do not snuggle baby poultry
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To prevent Salmonella: Keep poultry outside and do not snuggle. UPI/Stephen Shaver
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Published: Aug. 21, 2013 at 1:36 AM
SANTA FE, N.M., Aug. 21 (UPI) -- New Mexico officials remind the public not to keep live baby poultry in homes due to the risk of salmonella, which recently infected 316 people in 37 states.
Health officials in New Mexico linked this salmonella outbreak to
contact with chicks, ducklings and other live baby poultry purchased from multiple feed stores.
"Salmonella can be present in the droppings of chicks and other baby birds, even though the animals themselves usually won't show signs of illness," Paul Ettestad, a veterinarian with the New Mexico Department of Health, said in a statement.
The Department of Health recommends people young and old take the following preventive measures to prevent salmonella:
-- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after touching live baby birds or anything in the area where they live and roam. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available and your hands are not visibly soiled.
-- Adults should supervise hand washing for young children.
-- Don't snuggle or kiss baby birds.
-- Don't touch your mouth, or eat or drink around live baby poultry.
-- Don't let baby birds inside the house or in areas where food or drink is prepared, served, or stored, such as kitchens, dining rooms, pantries and outdoor patios
-- Don't clean any equipment or materials associated with raising or caring for live poultry such as cages, feed and water containers in the house.
-- Do not let children age 5 or younger old touch chicks, ducklings, or other live poultry.
-- Visit your physician if you experience abdominal pain, fever and/or diarrhea.

"Is this an excuse to prevent people from having chickens?"

Animals are dirty. Wash your hands.

There are many bacteria and viruses in feces, without regard to whether or not there is a disease present. This applies to all feces, not just the feces of chickens.

Bacteria and viruses are commonly spread by contact with the hands. Wash your hands. Hand sanitizer is a weak substitute for soap and water.

It can be surprising how a bit of common sanitation can make things better.

This was a problem with baby turtles from the pet store recently. Soon, it will be something else in the news.

They do have a point as does chfite. I've kissed all of my chickens and I'm fine. Also, there are poultry diapers.
so... 316 people in 37 states?... is that all???

Look at the thousands of people who own chickens.. and the best they can come up with is 316?

ok... so how many people every year die in car accidents... and how many kids come home from school with head lice every year... or some creepy lil disease they picked up at school??... how many cases of flesh eating bacteria.... the flu...

I think you get the idea...

I refuse to be one of the paranoid people .. and I refuse to drink the koolaid...

my first thought is that if someone can't practice the simple are of cleaning up and are THAT afraid of catching a disease from an animal.. then perhaps they should stick to stuffed toys while they clutch their hand sanitizer... oh wait.. stuffed toys might have dust mites... better wrap them in plastic and duct tape first!
I live here in NM and I think they were just trying to keep people safe. My wonder is how many people go to the feed stores and handle the cute little chicks without ever washing afterwards. I have been very adamant that everybody in my family wash their hands after touching anything chicken related. They also know by now not to touch anything else in the meantime because the bacteria will transfer. I also disinfect the doorknobs regularly. We got ours while I was pregnant and baby is 3 months now. It would be hard for me not to cuddle with my girls. I had one (turned out to be a roo, so had to go), he would fly up on my shoulder and cuddle into my hair and purr.

As far as trying to prevent people having chickens, it would be a tough fight. They are very much part of the culture here. More so for meat/eggs than pets. Cockfighting only finally became illegal in NM in 2007. At the time Richardson was running for president. Just to be clear I DO NOT condone the "sport". We had to be really careful when we got rid of our roo that he didn't go to anybody who was going to use him for it. So no, not here in this state are they trying to prevent it,
If we took everything we read to heart, we would all live in plastic bubbles. It only takes common sense to wash our hands and teach our children to do the same. Seriously, I am more afraid of contacting something from humans than I am from my chickens. I work in the healthcare field and believe me, there are far worse things I can contract from people. Children are notorious for sharing their germs. They touch everything and then their fingers go to their mouths. How many people get sick from nasty grocery carts, computer keyboards, telephones, doorknobs, etc. You can sure bet that anything you touch in public, someone else has touched it. At least I know where I stand with my chickens.
If we took everything we read to heart, we would all live in plastic bubbles. It only takes common sense to wash our hands and teach our children to do the same. Seriously, I am more afraid of contacting something from humans than I am from my chickens. I work in the healthcare field and believe me, there are far worse things I can contract from people. Children are notorious for sharing their germs. They touch everything and then their fingers go to their mouths. How many people get sick from nasty grocery carts, computer keyboards, telephones, doorknobs, etc. You can sure bet that anything you touch in public, someone else has touched it. At least I know where I stand with my chickens.

Agreed 100%

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