Is this baby peacock a male or female?

Hey! New here..we bought our baby peacock not knowing anything about it but we were told it was a male. We've had "him" for 3 months now. And we are starting to wonder if he is actually a she.
You got lucky males are way easier to acquire
she is a pretty girl
some one here may be able to help you with a male if you are looking for one, like i have whites pieds and regular indan blues for sale

I'm no expert, but she looks like she might not be just the average India Blue, something a little more special maybe?

Ok! Thank you!! That's what we were starting to think. I guess it's time to get a couple more anyway

"I guess it's time to get a couple more anyway"

The single most classic line in pea-addiction...

Usually followed directly by, "I guess I need to build more pens"

Glad you are here
Wow! That's pretty neat info, it would be awesome if she was special :) I'm hoping to get a pair of India Blue Silver Pied birds this week from a close breeder. Garden peas, thanks for the welcome, I am already getting very attached to these guys, I think we will be planning and addition!
My peachick was a peahen! Thanks everyone for helping me find out! :)
This is Majora eating Thanksgiving dinner!
Ginny hatched 3 babies last July 5th, 2014. I have been unable to determine if they are peahens or peacocks. Today I saw two of the three "strutting" and shaking. Do females do this? They had two feathers in the center that were taller than the others but the color is about the same in all three. This is the only thing that I have seen a difference in. They are now about 9 months old and I thought I would be able to really tell a difference by now. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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