Is this barred rock a rooster or hen

Here is some new pics 2 weeks later. Just wanted to see if anyone's opinion has changed. I still can't tell if it's a boy or girl...


That is a tough one.

I *think* that is some saddle feathers starting to show.

BUT that is no where near the comb/wattles for a rooster of 15 weeks, and that saddle is not really definitive at all.

I'll spoil the odds and guess pullet....and likely be wrong.

Barred Rocks can be maddening at times.

This one you may have to wait until it crows or lays an egg.

Lady of McCamley
I would have to say pullet too... if it is a cockerel it would have to be pretty poorly developed - 15 weeks and no red comb at all? As has been mentioned before, and in my experience, hatchery stock can fall far from the SOP on coloring. Not that hatchery birds aren't good... they certainly lay! And thats about all a lot of us need or want.
At 15 weeks, I'm going to go with pullet. Yep, the coloring still bugs me, but at 15 weeks a cockerel should have a much, much larger and redder comb, and probably some saddle feathers also. If it's a cockerel, it's stunted or something.
Well now I am pretty sure it is a rooster! We only have one heb that is laying. She is a easter egger and when I cracked open her egg it had the bullseye. Here is a picture of the egg. I am new to keeping chickens so I am not sure if this is a fertile egg but from what I have read online a bullseye means it is! Am I right?

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