Is this bumble foot on a 4 wk chick?

Thanks! I really want to do good for all of my chickens. I think they are looking better, definitely still softer compared to a week ago. I let her stand in some colloidal silver for about a minute, they're drying now and I'll try a vet wrap bootie tonight. I accidently grabbed the wrong chick and was wondering why she was flipping out so much, these three little black ones have been wild from day one!
@Hen Pen Jem @Wyorp Rock the booties are getting better! I used vet wrap, maybe 4" wide and cut both edges into straps with about 1/4" uncut in the middle, then kinda did a bread bread around her toes then topped it off with with a round of electrical tape. I did everything fairly loose, which was a main driver for doing the tape. I'm more impressed with this wrap job then she is 😁 I'm hoping these can stay on for 2 to 3 days.

Please let me know if you see anything that is going to be an issue. I really don't want to hurt her!


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I just checked the chicks one last time before bed, the little BA's are all huddled together as usual but this little one is back to unhappy chattering and trying to wiggle under the other two, almost like she's cold, but she's the only one doing it and the heat lamp is on, it's going to be in the 30s tonight. I'm checked her wraps and I don't think they are too tight, her toes all felt warm, I'm wondering if the wraps on the back toes are pushing on those growths? If so, I'm still thinking a little discomfort now if they heal faster is better than prolonging the recovery.
I think the wrappings look good. Just watch for any puffiness, swelling or discoloration of the toes which may indicate they are on too tight.
Chicks can have some of the unhappy chattering when they are positioning for sleep and someone doesn't want to let them over. If they settled and started making happy sounds, likely she's fine.
The wrap looks good. Yeah, if her toes felt warm and there is warmth from the heat lamp she's good to go. Adult chickens don't like getting their feet wrapped and will get vocal about it too. She'll get used to it. She may need more cuddles from her brooder mates, poor baby.:hugs
She's cruising around just fine today, even flying up and roosting with her little booties on. They are staying on really well so I'm going to leave them until tomorrow, or maybe the next day. I'm really hoping that we are going to get her completely healed.

I think she is trying to get some comfort from the others, if they are busy, she seems fine, if they stop then she wants to cuddle under someone.
I took her booties off today, I think we're making progress still. All the little red sores spots seem to be gone, but it seems some of her little foot pads down her toes are still extra large?

I trimmed a little of the dead crispy stringers off of the worst back toe, I could have trimmed more but I wasn't sure how much to do. What I did trim was all dried out and withered.

The first photo is her left foot, the others are her right foot which was the worst. I snapped a couple photos while she was wrapped up like a banana on my legs 😊

Any thoughts about the progress / anything I should change about how I'm treating her? We're a week and a half in!


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I need to get some updated photos, but after returning from being gone for 6 days I caught this little one up and her feet look way better. The growths are no longer sticking out the side of her feet when she's standing. It took me a minute of studying the three little BAs to figure out which one was her (I need some leg bands!). She was hard to catch and not in the mood for a foot check out, I didn't see any swelling or off colors. She still has some growth but it doesn't look near as extreme.
I need to get some updated photos, but after returning from being gone for 6 days I caught this little one up and her feet look way better. The growths are no longer sticking out the side of her feet when she's standing. It took me a minute of studying the three little BAs to figure out which one was her (I need some leg bands!). She was hard to catch and not in the mood for a foot check out, I didn't see any swelling or off colors. She still has some growth but it doesn't look near as extreme.
I'm glad to hear she is improving!

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