Is this bumble foot?

Demo of home bumble foot treatment>>>>> I ill show progress over the next week>>>

Duck in Chile>>>

So your treatment is to do this in case?

All my birds are my pets an I think that's is the way it is for most on here. But sometimes even with best care bumble happens and can be pretty bad quick.
maybe we are lucky>>or could be that we clean a lot >>>>>52 ducks
Well quick update, ended up finding a vet that agreed to see her because she was acting not herself today, I guess she is also fighting a respiratory infection or something. Vet gave me antibiotics and told me to just soak feet every day still. Vet said she should recover fine. But now my issue is the medicine must taste terrible cause she doesn't want it at all, I doubt i got half of it down her, any advice on how to get her to drink her medication?

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