Is this common?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
I have my chickens in a cage outside. They have a heater and stuff like that. I just don't have the room in my home for a big ol' chick cage. At night it does get kind of cold so they come inside in a small cage. This morning was my first night with my Brand new 2 day old chicks. There are ten of them. The cage is completely dark at night. I woke up this morning and 4 of my chicks were soaking wet! They were freezing too. They had slept in the water dish that night. They have room it's not like there crammed or anything. Is this common? My other chicks never did this.
Were they trying to stay warm huddled together?
I don't think so. The other six were together in the non wet corner. I don't know though

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