Is this constipation?


7 Years
Dec 9, 2015
Hi all. My two year old Araucana Mabel is I think, constipated. She's passing stools, but there is a bit of straining and they come out in several small balls instead of one big mass. She's otherwise fine. Diet has been fairly normal, no major changes. She got her new suprelorin implant on Friday last week. That's the only major change. She has put on some weight since she hot her first one too. So that could be a factor as well. Just wondering if it is constipation. If so I'll try coconut oil. Thanks
Coconut oil can't hurt one way or the other. Listen to what your hen Mabel is telling you with her behavior. She's done her part in giving you clues, and now it's up to you to help her. If the oil doesn't change the straining and skimpy poop, a stool softener is also a safe option as long as it's of the Dulcolax, none stimulant type.
Hi all. My two year old Araucana Mabel is I think, constipated. She's passing stools, but there is a bit of straining and they come out in several small balls instead of one big mass. She's otherwise fine. Diet has been fairly normal, no major changes. She got her new suprelorin implant on Friday last week. That's the only major change. She has put on some weight since she hot her first one too. So that could be a factor as well. Just wondering if it is constipation. If so I'll try coconut oil. Thanks
Do you have photos of the poop?

From your description it sounds like she is constipated. I would give her 1 teaspoon of Mineral oil to see if that helps.

She need hydrated first before you offer feed. I would also give her a wet mash of feed for a few days to get more water into her.

The Implant - does she have EYP?
I can take photos, but no I don't have any yet. I'll try to get some. She has been drinking, I'll keep an eye on that and encourage more, and wet food.

Her implant was needed due to a mix of infection, soft shelled eggs and being egg bound.

I might try a small bit of prune too, or dulcolax. See how she goes for the next day or two, if no change then off to the vets. Thanks guys
If using the Dulcolax, make sure it is the stool softener, doccusate sodium, not the bisacodyl laxative, which would be too strong for a chicken. I kind of wish people would stop recommending Dulcolax brand for a stool softener—it can be very confusing, and many do not know the difference. Colace is the better known brand name for doccustate sodium stool softener.

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