Is this egg fertile?


In the Brooder
Sep 4, 2016
I want to put some of my Ameraucana hen's eggs in the bator but wanted to see if her eggs are fertile first. Tried to get a good pic, sorry if its hard to tell. We have three roosters so you would think one of them would get her, but she did start laying not too long ago. I don't think they are fertile but wanted to double check. Thanks!

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They might be, looking at those pics they do sort of look like mine. Maybe I will stick some in the bator and see if I get any veins by day 5 if not I'll just toss them. Thanks for the help everyone.
Update day 5: Candled one of her eggs and there are veins!!!!! :) Now I just gotta wait and hope they make it! I can't believe their fertile! I wander which rooster got her though, we have 2 silkie Roos and 1 black australorp roo. Lol
AmyLynn has much more experience than myself. I'd suggest going with her conclusion and not mine. Sorry for misleading you.


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