Is this Favus?


8 Years
Apr 15, 2015
Cleveland Ohio
I got a chicken back in April that I thought had a really bad fungal infection.Previous owner had treated with antibiotics, which was ineffective. she had large scabby areas of feathers on her back that peeled off after being softened up by Clotrimazole ointment. I also removed a large plug of wax from her left ear. Both ears were really swollen when I got her; they look much better now. I give her a weekly bath in Micoseb shampoo (Chlorhexedine and nystatin) and it seems to help. Her skin is dry now and there are pieces of her skin peeling off. Her head and neck are completely bare, she has some bald spots oh her belly as well as under her wings. She is eating , drinking and pooping normally. I slather her with clotrimazole or miconazole ointment to loosen up the crusty areas. any other suggestions, anybody?
You're doing all that you can do to treat Favus. It would be best to continue with the Miconazole and Clotrimazole treatments, you can also use iodine. It's best to wear disposable gloves when treating birds with Favus. It can be contagious to humans and especially other birds.

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