Is this girl egg bound?

How do you break broodies from their broodiness? Just curious :)
Many people will use a wire bottom dog kennel or something similar with NO bedding to make a nest.

I use an open bottom kennel on pasture for daytime and wire bottom at night. Food and water are provided. Any form of locking a broody away from her chosen nest spot will be effective.

The sooner you break them, the less time it will take. The longer they sit, the harder it is to switch those hormones back.

A broody hen who is allowed to sit and hatch will usually go at least 8 week without laying eggs.

You have 2 choices, let her hatch eggs or break her of broodiness.

Or adopt! ;)

It’s 7pm here and sun is setting so just wanting to get an idea if I need to bring her in tonight. Thanks all!
How is she doing today?

Have you tried removing her from the nest and bringing her outside.. so we can confirm IF she is indeed broody or not? Egg binding can be deadly fast and even though that doesn't SEEM like the issue, I always try to get a good assessment before jumping to conclusions or dismissing anything. :fl
Before you lock the poor girl up in a wire cage you could just try taking any eggs she is sitting on away. She may still sit for a day, or so.
In the event that she continues to sit on an empty nest, block the nest off for a couple of days. It's unlikely to be use by any other hens while she is sitting anyway.
Thank you all!! Here’s an update. Last night I took away the one egg she was sitting on, and this morning she was in another nesting box. I took those 2 eggs away and picked her up (she wasn’t happy with me), took her to the run and checked her vent. Didn’t see anything obvious, but have never dealt with egg bind so not sure for far/ deep I should be looking. I checked a few other hens and the one that was sitting seemed similar but maybe slightly “tighter”.

We have 5 nesting boxes in the coop, and they’re all in and out between this and the coop and the run, so I’m not sure how to keep her out of the nesting boxes. I really appreciate all the help!!!
...and she’s back in a nesting box (same one as yesterday). No egg under her. If I get a chick and slide it under her will she take the little one? Will the other hens hurt the chick? I’ll start researching brooding. Appreciate all the help!

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