Is this Guinevere or Lancelot?

my other roo, currently on death row, attacked this one pretty badly a couple of months ago so s/he has been a house chook while s/he healed. S/he is back in the flock now and the hens tolerate her/him pretty at this point. Lancelot goes after her/him when he can but avoids the hens. I don’t see any interaction between him and them.

The red one is Lucy. At least I don't have to change her name. :rolleyes:
my other roo, currently on death row, attacked this one pretty badly a couple of months ago so s/he has been a house chook while s/he healed. S/he is back in the flock now and the hens tolerate her/him pretty at this point. Lancelot goes after her/him when he can but avoids the hens. I don’t see any interaction between him and them.
This one is a pullet. 1st one pictured is a cockerel.
Yep, a pair. How long ago did you get him? I suspect the seller knew if he/she has actually been raising chickens for a bit. His color pattern is a dead giveaway

Really? That's disappointing; it's someone I've known for a long time. But, moving forward, I'll watch him for awhile and see how he does. He's afraid of everything except Lucy. I'm hoping that will change when the bully (my other rooster) leaves which should be soon. In the meantime, he's in a separate kennel by himself. But he still makes his presence knows and he's pretty boisterous about it.

I'll have to read up on color patterns. I had no idea they were key to determining sex. Thank you!

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