Is this intestinal lining shedding in poop or more?


6 Years
Apr 30, 2015
I lost one of my pet chickens a few days ago from what I originally thought was complications from an injury. They have free range in my backyard during the day and placed in a very secure 10x10 kennel with a coop at night.

The bird that died wouldn't use one of its legs one afternoon but seemed to be getting better. I found a small scratch on the inside of her wing though that did not look infected at all. The other thing was that she was adjusting her crop more than normal for a couple of days but when I would feel her crop it would be small and I could feel food in there and she was eating/drinking and pooping normally. This neck adjusting went on for about 3 days and the bad leg which looked like it was improving was over a 2 week period.

Then we had cool night about 30F and the next morning she wouldnt stand up so I picked her up and her crop had soured and vomit went everywhere. She was breathing through her open beak and she died a few hours later :( I got these chickens when they were 16 weeks old back in oct/nov and have not treated them for anything.

I was thinking marreks and gape worm and all sorts of things. I am now worried about my other remaining chicken. Her poops look really weird. I'm going to check her crop this evening and in the morning and I ordered fenbendazole to treat for worms just in case. Other than the poop she seems normal. Eating and drinking and walking normally.

So now the poop. Is this the shed intestinal lining or could it be that I threw some cranberries in the compost and this is what happens if they eat cranberries, or is this a sign of illness. There have been multiple red/orange colored poops in the last couple of hours. The solid one came first and a few minutes later the watery one came.

Oh my! I wish I knew for sure! That first poo doesn't look normal at all, and doesn't look like intestinal shed. If it were me I would be treating with Corid or Sulmet for coccidiosis. You can get both of these medications at a feed store. My first choice would be the Corid but if they don't have it go for the Sulmet.
I would check them out for any not eating, standing around lethargic and puffed up, or very weak. Those stools aren't from intestinal shed, but probably blood. I've never fed cranberries, so don't know if that would cause that color. I would probably go get some Corid powder and start it in the water at 1.5 tsp per gallon of water for 5 days.
ok thank you. Can I treat with the corid powder and the fenbendazole at the same time? Should I do one first? her behavior is normal although I did see her yawn today and do a few breaths through her beak but I stared at her most of the afternoon and didnt see her do it again. Now im worried about capillary worms and coccidosis.
The dosage is 1.5 tsp per gallon of water for Corid powder. You can use fenbendazole at the same time if you give 1/4 ml per pound daily for 5 days orally, but I would probably do the Corid first, give some vitamins and probiotics for a few days, then use the fenbendazole. A simple fecal float by a vet could confirm capillary worms or cocci.
Update: Both meds will be arriving tomorrow. I came home and her behavior is normal. Waited for a poop to come and it was filled with worms. No red coloring, and I think it was a cecal poop. Im treating with both meds tomorrow. Ill let you know how it goes.
I am wondering if this is intestinal lining or something else? My chicken appears to be normal.
There is a lot of red in there that looks bloody. Because of all of the white urates with no other stool material, I would be pretty suspicious of coccidiosis. You can get a stool sample checked for it, or start some Corid or amprollium in the water. How old are your chickens?

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