Is this Marek's?


11 Years
Feb 19, 2008
I have a rooster that is around a year old. I have had him for about 5 months.

Several weeks ago his neck seemed to be injured. It was like it was too heavy for him to hold upright without effort. His neck will twist around so his head is kind of upside down. Once he starts moving, he can hold it up but when he stops, first it kind of tips back and then over. I'm probably not explaining this well.

Anyway, the first time, I put him in a pen by himself and put Polyvisol in his water. Within a day or two he was better so he was put back out.

Several days ago he relapsed. I only just thought about the vitamins so put it in his water this morning and hope that does it. He is eating and drinking.

I posted on a different board and someone said it sounds like Marek's. I do not know if he was vaccinated and doubt the woman I got him from would know. All I know is she bought him from what she called a reputable breeder.

What do you folks think?
honestly it does not sound like Mareks to me but a vitamin deficiency which you are already treating. Mareks usually shows up at about 5-7 months not 1 year. All are exposed to mareks but it can overwhelm them at the 5 month range sometimes.
Thanks so much for your reply. Odd that he's the only one to be affected this way, but I'm happy it's not Marek's. I'll put the vitamins in the flock's water as well.
well there is certainly something else going on. Although I dont think Mareks try doing a search, it almost sounds like wry neck (sp?) but I would say if the vitamins helped the first time that the problem could be with his nutrition intake. is his crop ok? maybe it is sour or something and he is not absorbing all the nutrients he should.

I would send an e-mail to the chicken Dr at First State Vet supply. He has some natural blood builders and vitamins and might have a better idea as to what is going on.

Good Luck
His crop feels squishy but I didn't notice that until several days after this started so don't know if the neck problem caused this?

I'm going to look up wry neck.


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