Is this normal or does she have a problem with her feathers?


10 Years
Feb 1, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
I have 5 chickens (9 month olds) in San Diego, CA (not very cold). All eating organic laying feed and laying eggs daily. We started noticing that 1 of them (a Dominique) had fuzzy feathers before her tail and then noticed that all of the feathers in her bottom fell out (photos below). The other 4 look fine. Does she have a problem?
Thank you,

Are you sure she is only 9 months old, since she resembles a molting chicken? I would check her closely for mites and lice, even checking late at night with a flashlight in the coop for the red fowl mite. Also, her bottom looks like it has been feather-picked by another chicken. For that you may want to increase your protein to 20 % flock raiser if they are on layer 16 %, make sure they have lots of room, and decrease boredom by providing rocks or roosts, and things of interest in the run. Here is a link for mites/lice info:
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Eggcessive, Than you for the response. On the age, I am sure since I raised them from 1 week old chicks back in April.

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