Is this normal??


9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
My chicks are 2 weeks old and I noticed 1 today was rolling around in there food that is on the floor. Is that normal? Is this dust bathing? And should I put something in the brooder so they can do this like sand?? She seems healthy. Don't think shes sick, just rolling around. It's kinda funny. They are also starting to get crazy like I go to clean the brooder and give them food and water and they think I'm there snack or something and start pecking me. I'm guessing that is normal but do u just let them peck ya or tell them no? Do they learn like that? I'm new at this. Lol. Thank you!!!
You are correct they are dust bathing, if you have room put a kitty litter pan with some sand in there they will love it and you will love watching them too.
i'm a newbie too, and I noticed the pecking as well. Someone told me they are just becoming more curious and that it will stop.
Yes, they are checking out their environment, something new. You might try putting a bit of treat in your hand, maybe a dab of yogurt mixed with chick feed, and laying it on the shavings and letting them check that out. Helps get them used to you.
I put yogurt on my finger and the first few times they looked worried. When they finally got up the courage to try - they loved it.
I don't do it everyday, but rather a few times a week. It is so funny watching how they act when I give them yogurt - they can't get enough of it. I do watch them because they will get it on their beaks and faces - then the other chicks try to 'peck' it off of each other and they can get a bit rough at times. I don't want anyone thinking that someone is picking on them.

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