Is this ok?


10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Out of my serama eggs only one chick survived. Is it ok that i keep him inside the LG incubator for a while instead of putting him in a brooder? Also is it ok that i hold him alot? AND I let him have like 5 minute monitored visits with the adults (in the house), is that ok? They don't really pay any attention to him but he's only with them while i give them food and water..
I wouldn't keep him in the incubator too long. Usually just to dry out and then they switch to a heat lamp. The reason for this is the humidity can cause food and water to mold quickly in an incubator. Yes, supervised visits with the older chickens is fine, just be prepared to intervene if any get too aggressive. Sometimes chickens can be quite teritorial of anything new coming into the flock, but I believe what you are doing is smart so that one day when you do place him/her in the flock, they will all be well aquainted with each other!
sorry, i should have specified. i don't mean like set up to incubate with water, i just mean inside the incubator for warmth.
The first day I had my chicks from TSC, I didn't have a brooder of any sort; but I did have the incubator. So I let them stay in it over night, just to keep warm. They seemed to be ok. The next day I set up the brooder for them and they are doing well.
I'd keep him away from everything but your clean hands the first week. You dont want him picking up anything at all....I would hold him for a min, because the are toooo cute, but put him back where he can stay warm -asap. Make sure you put down paper towels or something on the floor!
I only had 1 serama live after hatching and since the brooder I had was to big for it, a dog crate, I held it under my shirt by my heart to keep it warm
until I got a 5 gal fish tank ready for it
It was happy as all get out! Broke down and got 2 bantam chicks for company after that. All doing well in tank.
The more you handle the chick, the better it will be as an adult. Very friendly.
You saw how friendly my Frances is. He was handled daily. Good luck. I have hatches
happening every day so make room for more birds.

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