Is this pheasant's foot broken?


Still learning
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jan 28, 2018
Gower, Wales
Help sought from people familiar with pheasants. This is a wild pheasant that joins my flock intermittently, and has been doing so for over a year. A couple of days ago he appeared in poor condition, and not wanting to bear weight on the left leg; he has since recovered much condition, but is still holding the foot up most of the time, and walking with a limp when needs be. Yesterday I managed to get this photo of him with the foot down; it's the leg nearest the camera, with toe at an odd angle. Is the outside toe broken? or the ankle? or something else? do you know what is wrong with him and what his prospects might be? I think another pheasant may be trying to take over his territory. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
Coed's bad foot.JPG
Toe does appear to be injured. It sounds as if his condition is improving. You may be correct that he was injured in a territorial fight.
Toe does appear to be injured. It sounds as if his condition is improving. You may be correct that he was injured in a territorial fight.
Thanks Sour. Would you expect him to make an adequate recovery? and is there anything I can do to help him (beyond providing food, as currently)?

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