Is this red poop normal for ducklings?


May 21, 2022
When I checked on my ducklings this morning I saw this massive red poop. I've never seen something like this and I'm worried this might be dangerous.
How old are your ducklings and have they been outside? what are they eating including treats?
They are about 3 weeks old and they've been outside like 2 times so far.
They mostly eat rolled oats and vegetables.
I recently started feeding them bulgur and bird seed
They really need a good feed [not bird seed] especially when so young. Are you in the US? much easier to find feed etc here than many other countries. At around 3 weeks is when you may start to see problems with their legs, having problems with weakness, bowed legs beginning and then lameness because at this age niacin deficiency is showing up. Waterfowl need niacin to keep this from happening and rolled oats and birdseed isn't going to give them what they need. Also ducklings that are growing at such a fast rate of speed need protein also. Duck feed has basically all they need some can still show a niacin deficiency even on the best feed but it must be more of not being able to assimilate the niacin in their feed for the particular duckling. So many of us will also add a niacin supplement to their feed, Nutritional yeast is one, liquid B complex is another and the best if one is already showing problems with their legs.
That poop could be from something they ate in a veggie you gave them.
They mostly eat rolled oats and vegetables.
I recently started feeding them bulgur and bird seed
Hi there and welcome to BYC! :frow

If you're in the US.. Purina flock raiser is also an acceptable duckling feed with all the proper nutrients added including the correct amounts of protein, fat, niacin, calcium and more.

Here is a link that has required nutrition according to age for your reference should you still (need to) use your own feed stuff instead of a formulated ration (due to location)..

That red is probably from something they ate if not a shed intestinal lining. Blood looks much different than that in my experience.

When you say "massive red poop".. how big is it really? Since there is nothing there to compare.

I feel like I've never seen that dry of droppings from a duck/duckling. I've raised under a dozen though so I'm sure there's a lot I haven't seen yet.

Hope your babies thrive! :fl

One side note.. one or two trips outside so far might not be enough grit for digestion. Formulated starter ration includes it in addition to everything already being ground down into a powder before being pressed back into crumbles etc.

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