is this red star chicken ?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 1, 2014

And why her comb is huge ?
There is a very good possibility that your chicken is a New Hampshire cockerel.... His tail hasn't grown in quite yet, I would say...

Edit* how old is it? The comb is making me think roo but the tail has no sickle feathers yet.... Age would help :)
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Yes, it's a sex link, star, whatever name the hatchery uses. There is a lot of Leghorn in some hatchery birds. That comb is a prime example, most red sex links don't have that uber comb but do show pinched upright Leghorn type tails.
Yes, it's a sex link, star, whatever name the hatchery uses. There is a lot of Leghorn in some hatchery birds. That comb is a prime example, most red sex links don't have that uber comb but do show pinched upright Leghorn type tails.

Lol yeah that's why I had to do a double take and a double edit.... I have not seen such a BIG comb on a Red Star hen lol... Well, mine anyway... That's one huge comb! :D

Yep then, Red Star would be what she is :)
With that white underfluff and white feathers in her tail, she's definitely a Red Star (Red Sex Link) pullet. Even if she weren't laying eggs, her sex would be obvious by her color. Male Red Sex Links (Red Stars) are primarily white with a smattering of red feathers in the saddle area. Red Stars are laying machines. You should be getting loads of large brown eggs from that girl. :eek:)

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