Is this to much medication for the chicks? Please HELP!


7 Years
Mar 17, 2012
Cleveland, OH
I feed my chicks the Dumor Chick Starter food, and then I mix Sav-A-Chick powder (Electrolite). Is this to much medication for them? Please help and reply!!!
The Sav-A-Chick is just electrolytes and vitamin supplements, it's not medicated. It should be fine with the medicated feed.
I feed my chicks the Dumor Chick Starter food, and then I mix Sav-A-Chick powder (Electrolite). Is this to much medication for them? Please help and reply!!!

There is no medication is any of that. That is an unmedicated chick starter, and the sav-a-chick is just electrolytes and vitamins. You run a risk of coccidia if that's all you plan on using. I lost one of my 5 week olds today from cocci, using the same feed you posted. I expect to lose a few more. They have it kinda bad. My little babies are still in the brooder without meds and they are fine. But my older babies are outside in the coop, and they got cocci. If you don't have any parasite preventatives that you didn't post, you will probably end up with cocci.
Not trying to be discouraging. I purposefully didn't give mine meds, hoping to raise them organically. I slacked off on their preventatives and they got sick. Just be careful.
what is cocci? and what are teh symptoms? and how do you treat it?

Cocci (Coccidia, Coccidiosis, etc.) is an intestinal parasite. It causes very bloody diarrhea.
This is a link to a page all about it, but it has some pretty graphic pictures. Just a warning.

It will kill chicks if left untreated and they will get it 9 out of 10 times if not given preventatives. Most people just use medicated feed. It contains just enough Amprolium that the chicks get a very mild case of Cocci, so that their bodies can build an immunity to it. If you already have a bag of unmedicated feed and don't want to waste it, you can buy Amprolium at TSC and other feed stores and put it into their water. I have Corid. It comes in powder and liquid form. The dosage amount is disagreed upon. It ranges anywhere between 1/4 tsp. to 2 tsp. per gallon of water. For the preventative dosage of 20% powder (which is what I have) I would give about 1/2 tsp. per gallon. I'm giving mine a full tsp. right now as a treatment, and feeding them medicated feed. They don't need that much medication as a preventative, though. If you get medicated feed, don't put Amprolium in their water. Pick one or the other.

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