Is this true about Buffs Orpingtons?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 14, 2010
I have a friend that is getting chickens this weekend and a local poultry farm told her not to get BO because they have weak stomachs and can die easily from eating things like basil. I am fairly new to chickens and I know there are some things all chickens should not eat but have never heard that BO don't handle some foods well. We have 2 BO and absolutely love them.
Sounded strange to me so I had to ask you guys.
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Mine have eaten everything the others eat, which is anything we throw to them and anything that can't outrun them
with no problems whatsoever. So I say no, it's not true. Not for us, anyway.
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sorry Buff Orpingtons. Sounds like maybe this place wants to get rid of the other breeds too me.
Buff What? Buff is just a color not a breed in chickens..
Buff Orpingtons,
Buff Wyandottes,
Buff Rocks,
Buff Leghorns,
Buff Old English Game Bantams, etc.

I have Buff Orpingtons and they eat what they want. And as far as basil i dont know but how many people have it growing in their runs or yards? Sounds like hooey!
I have basil growing all over my yard and all around the run. All my girls (including 2 BOs) occasionally nip at at without ill effects. But you are right, sounds like hooey to me.

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