Is wet food bad for chickens?

No it isn't a problem, but it is important they only get enough to be eaten in one sitting. If wet food hangs around long enough to start getting mould, this can kill them.

Lots of chickens really like their food wet. I use the dusty feed at the edge of the feeder each day to add to a breakfast mash using water (hot or cold depending on season) and occassionally, yoghurt. But I only use enough for them to eat over a couple of hours.
Some people serve fermented feed, (see ) or other liquids mixed into the feed. Wet food isn't a problem unless as said above, it gets moldy or in my case with the cold temps, it freezes. Too much food wet or dry can cause other issues of not kept in check, like too much fat around the vent area can cause egg laying issues. I free feed, but my chickens are free ranged most of the time, so they get a lot of movement. But under feeding isn't good either. There is so much differing advice on how much to feed, whether or not the birds are pastured, it can be tricky to know how much fod to put out. A general rule is how much they can eat in 15 or 20 minutes. Good luck!
No it isn't a problem, but it is important they only get enough to be eaten in one sitting. If wet food hangs around long enough to start getting mould, this can kill them.

Lots of chickens really like their food wet. I use the dusty feed at the edge of the feeder each day to add to a breakfast mash using water (hot or cold depending on season) and occassionally, yoghurt. But I only use enough for them to eat over a couple of hours.
Thanks Spikes chooks the info was quite helpful!
No it isn't a problem, but it is important they only get enough to be eaten in one sitting. If wet food hangs around long enough to start getting mould, this can kill them.

Lots of chickens really like their food wet. I use the dusty feed at the edge of the feeder each day to add to a breakfast mash using water (hot or cold depending on season) and occassionally, yoghurt. But I only use enough for them to eat over a couple of hours.

x2 about the don't leave it around and they love wet food!
My ducks, chickens, guineas, peafowl, and geese all LOVE their warm, wet mash that momma makes for them. I soak their pellets/crumbles in warm/hot water, add some Apple Cider Vingegar, ground Cayenne pepper, oyster shell, organic brewer's yeast, mix it all up and serve it to the birds. They eat ever single bite!
I bet they would love it! Should try it for our chickens!
So glad to hear about this! The bin got rain in it, and I thought I'd have to throw that food away.

P.S. Our rabbit likes to eat the chicken food too.

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