isa brown/rhode island cross ??


Hello :frow and welcome to BYC!
Would anyone have any info on this particular cross breed?
Have some ISA Brown Hens coming and a RIR Rooster and would like to know if the offspring will be good layers?

The offspring will be excellent layers, although likely not quite the laying machines that the first generation Isa Browns are. Also, unlike the first generation Isa Browns (one of a number of labels under which some hatcheries market their Red Sex Links), you will not be able to tell the gender of the offspring by color.
I don't know if this thread is still active but I have these kind of crosses of red sexlink hens with RIR roosters. There will be 3 outcomes and all of them can't be sex linked: 1) chicks will look like a Rhode island chicks born with dark brown furs 2) chicks born w/ 2 light brown stripes on their back which will grow to look like an isa brown for male & female. 3) u will get a chick with very dark brown stripe starting from its head to it's back and mostly will just grow to be brown with black spots on their neck. Hope it helps. I can't say if they're great layers since my oldest crosses is still 3 months

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