Isbar chick colors?


In the Brooder
May 2, 2018
I just got these cuties in the mail today from GFF and am wondering about the colors. My understanding is some are likely splash, some blue and some black. Can you tell from the chick color which ones they are? I seem to have some chicks that are mostly black, some that are gray/silver and some yellow. One is even black and yellow. So are the yellow chicks splash? Are the gray ones blue? Here’s a couple of the ones I got.
16DF7BD1-8791-4D57-BD06-C86EF364AAA7.jpeg 6939FB19-0D99-49B8-B5D9-FDC0E8AE48A6.jpeg 3D0DF5CE-DA62-4686-8638-CB1730C3146B.jpeg D42D7EBB-01D9-4BAA-AC07-E945E09B2466.jpeg

This is one of my blues 6 weeks old or so. Black BCM and splash Isbar in the background.

I hatched out 6 Isbars this spring and the yellow should be the splash, the grays should be the blues and the black should be your black.

The one that is multi yellow/black I’m thinking should be black.

I am not an expert by any means and just raising my first flock of Isbars but so far, they are gentle and easy going.

Mine are being raised with BCM “siblings”. I had 5 BCM babies hatched about April 10th or so. The Isbars about April 15th so coming on 8weeks. It looks pretty sure that I have 3 BCM Roos and two pullets. I’m guessing that I may have 5 Isbar Roos and 1 pullet but actually am unsure still - they are definitely maturing slower than the BCMs for only being a week or so apart.


The group maybe 3-4 weeks ago
I've got a splash that is mostly white with some black flecks, she's 2 yrs old now, and two silverudd's blue, who are about 10 months old. Here are a couple. I think your yellow one is that splash, the greys are blue, and the black/yellow may be a splash as well. I really like mine--though one really, really wants to roost in the trees or hedge at night. Have fun! Ergh--sorry the pics are so blurry--my phone is not the best camera.
mia 1.jpg
margie in the hedge.jpg


  • mia 1.jpg
    mia 1.jpg
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