Isn't the LAYING hen supposed to sing the egg song?


10 Years
May 18, 2009
Deception Pass, WA
My four pullets have just started laying (5 eggs in the last 7 days). This morning around 9AM I heard a terrible cackling noise from the tractor, THREE chickens howling "bokbokbrGAWK!" at the top of their lungs. It was so loud, the dogs got freaked out and started barking! Quite a ruckus, let me tell you.

I went outside to see what was going on. One chicken (Harriet) was in the coop, fussing with her nest. She was literally picking up individual wood shavings and moving them around, one by one.

Out in the enclosed run, the other three hens were strutting around singing the egg song. No eggs, mind you!

I work from home, but this was way too funny to pass up. I pulled up a chair and sat for HALF AN HOUR watching them. The other three hens settled down and went back to eating grass. Meanwhile, Harriett was still fussing with the nesting material, doing Chicken Feng Shui. (I thought about asking her if she wanted a newspaper to read, or something.)

About every ten minutes while she was in there, the other three hens would stop what they were doing and freeze. They seemed to be listening to Harriet shuffling around in the coop. Then they would all start with the egg song again! I had to plug my ears, it was so loud.

After half an hour of this, Harriet finally laid her egg. She had shuffled all the bedding out from underneath her, so I heard the egg clunk on the floor of the coop.

Then you know what she did? She clucked and burbled quietly, then walked out of the coop as if nothing had happened. And none of the other hens said a word.

I don't think they really understand how this is supposed to work. First YOU lay an egg, then YOU make a tremendous racket. They seem to think it's more like cheerleading. "Go, Harriet! PUSH!!!"

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Awesome! I have alot of that going on right now, but only about 7 eggs in the last week and just one today. Mine aren't doing so well using the nesting box. But they will, I got smart chickens!
How funny! My rooster sings the egg song louder than any of the hens. I've been known to tell him, oh shut up! You didn't contribute that much!
oh, that is GREAT!! Chickens have such funny personalities! We have a bench at the run/coop so when we take a break or just want to relax...we can sit and watch the chickens do their "chicken stuff". Harriett needed her cheering squad to boost her confidence!
Good looking cartons you got there. Where did you get them?
With ours, the first few hens that start singing notifies the flock(s) that its time...
Just got thru adding some more nest boxes so they wouldn't have to wait in line.
That was awesome! I've heard the same thing from my girls. One will be sitting quietly in the nest, while the others are all cackling away outside, just nervous and pacing and acting crazy. Rooster, too, on the outskirts, watching, like an anxious new daddy. It does seem like they are all trying to sing their encouragement. I always think they're hollering "PUSH!", too!

Too funny. Silly chickens.

ALL of our hens cheer each other on ALL THE TIME. ALL DAY LONG. Hours after a hen has layed, they will still be cheering and talking about it. My hens are SO LOUD that you can actually hear them at the end of our HALF KM long driveway LOL
Thanks! I've been saving them up from the grocery store since last December, when I decided to get chickens. I wish someone would sell cartons pre-printed with nutritional information! (The four brown eggs in the middle are the ones I've gotten so far - the white eggs are the last of the store-bought eggs.)

Every so often I give the chickens a significant look, while telling them about the giant stack of saved egg cartons. LET'S GET WITH IT, LADIES.
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