Isn't this too small?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
My mom posted this on my timeline. I was looking at it going oh, that is neat. But then I looked closer and was thinking even for like 2 chickens that would be way too small and they would be miserable. What do you guys think, yay or nay for maybe 2 chickens in a small yard setting? Maybe if you let them freerange during the day? I am not sold on this coop though.
That should be illegal, IMO. Not only too small, it doesn't let them go outside. Awful. One step above battery cages.
My mom posted this on my timeline. I was looking at it going oh, that is neat. But then I looked closer and was thinking even for like 2 chickens that would be way too small and they would be miserable. What do you guys think, yay or nay for maybe 2 chickens in a small yard setting? Maybe if you let them freerange during the day? I am not sold on this coop though.
I would not put my girls in that and I only have 3!!
Neat idea. Needs a ton more room. If they were ONLY ever to sleep there you could get away with it, but that's unrealistic. What about winter when they can't really be outside all day? They can't stay in that when they are awake, they'd be miserable. What about days when you want to be lazy and not let the chickens out at 7 am on the dot? (also, there is absolutely no way you could feed them in there. You'd take up half the space just with food and water)

Invest in something with an outdoor area.
I was not considering it for myself or anything, just kind of felt sorry for the chicks that the owners did this. It is nice looking in theory but not reality.
Might work for a Serama. If you modified it so that they could come and go as they please in an indoor setting. I'd never use it for anything else. It is cute though.
You would have to at least double the depth of the cabinet at minimum. And I would think you would want to set up some sort of chunnel system to a run as well. at least a ramp so that the chickens can get up into it if you're letting them loose inside of the garage.

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