Issues with Welded Wire Fencing - I need help

I framed my green welded wire and made it so I could remove the fencing in sections so I could get into my garden. the welded mesh is squished between two pieces of wood on all sides.


...although you can't see the actual wire in that picture.

*** Edited because I always think of new things to say after I press 'submit'
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That might be worth a try in a pinch but I can't see it lasting long. Anything bent that easily can easily become un-done. I think it would be a great "Plan-B" if the initial stretching didn't work.

When kinking the wire I'm sure you could add zip ties or those metal clamps used to attach wire together when making rabbit hutches (you just gotta get big enough clamps). That way you don't have a fear of the wire unbending.

You guys/gals are driving me insane...

the wire will not unkink..

you do not have to use zip ties, or metal clamps.. they cost money..

kinking is one of the things left that is absolutely FREE..

I am sure that each one of you has a cage or a fence that has a loose spot in it... even a single stranded wire fence.. grab your pliers and go try it right now.. I will wait,,,,um de dumm dumm,,,,,,,you back? see?
it works!!!
When kinking the wire I'm sure you could add zip ties or those metal clamps used to attach wire together when making rabbit hutches (you just gotta get big enough clamps). That way you don't have a fear of the wire unbending.

You guys/gals are driving me insane...

the wire will not unkink..

you do not have to use zip ties, or metal clamps.. they cost money..

kinking is one of the things left that is absolutely FREE..

I am sure that each one of you has a cage or a fence that has a loose spot in it... even a single stranded wire fence.. grab your pliers and go try it right now.. I will wait,,,,um de dumm dumm,,,,,,,you back? see?
it works!!!

I understand that it won't unkink, I've done it before, but not with a chicken run. Heck my boyfriend just did it yesterday. I was just offering an idea that might make the skeptical a way to feel safe about doing it.
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You guys/gals are driving me insane...

the wire will not unkink..

you do not have to use zip ties, or metal clamps.. they cost money..

kinking is one of the things left that is absolutely FREE..

I am sure that each one of you has a cage or a fence that has a loose spot in it... even a single stranded wire fence.. grab your pliers and go try it right now.. I will wait,,,,um de dumm dumm,,,,,,,you back? see?
it works!!!

I understand that it won't unkink, I've done it before, but not with a chicken run. Heck my boyfriend just did it yesterday. I was just offering an idea that might make the skeptical a way to feel safe about doing it.

well,get your BF on here then, quick, I need some back-up.
I understand that it won't unkink, I've done it before, but not with a chicken run. Heck my boyfriend just did it yesterday. I was just offering an idea that might make the skeptical a way to feel safe about doing it.

well,get your BF on here then, quick, I need some back-up.

Sorry, he's at work, lol. But I'm the rabbit hutch builder. And the coop and run designer.

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