It has begun

BertS is a patient superhero.

But just barely.

Tonight, when we turn eggs, I will separate using some hardware cloth that I got.

Im glad u shared the link here! Such pretty eggs! Your in great hands, half the people i count on are here and lots of other great people! I was surprised no one reccomended the plastic crafting material though, hardware cloth is a good idea but i was advised to use that plastic so i wanted to mention it. Its cheap, avalible at walmart or easy to find, soft and easy to cut or manipulate, easy to stearlize... :frow Best Of Luck! :fl for you!
Hook together some straight ones with a bendy one on the end, to aim at the cup.  It takes some practice and positioning of your receptacles, (and making a few strange faces while doing it doesn't  hurt either! haha)  but I bet you can figure it out.

Hubs would say I'm great at making goofy faces. He watches me when I concentrate hard at something just so he can see my strange faces lol.

Just your every day average egg dealer poppin in... :D ;)

I agree with WV, I prefer to keep the vents open for oxygen at hatching... those buggers are in need of air after all that struggle... in a styro, I just drop sponges around and dribble water on 'em with a straw through the vent holes... just make sure they're in spots you can reach, lol...
would putting a divider in, also help to separate the hatched chicks from the remaining eggs, until they go to the brooder?
I candled my eggs! It looks like I have 7 for sure good growing eggs. We even got to see movement and eyes on a few of them. The kids were really excited. I had 1 that had a blood ring for sure and we opened it up and sure enough there was a blood ring all the way around and the yolk was all over the place. What would cause that? I know it happens but wondered exactly what causes it. Oddly enough the shipped eggs I got are better than the ones I picked up locally, but the shipped are silkies and the local eggs are olive eggers. They are sort of hard to look through and this is the first time I have ever candled or hatched eggs so that changes things too. I am feeling pretty good about our hatch so far. Now we wait until next Friday to candle again and see where we are then. Why does it seem like 21 days is so short, but when we are waiting for candle time or hatch time it seems like it takes forever. How did I ever wait 9 months lol. Here is a blurry picture of the egg, but you can see the eye dot!

I've been trying to hatch some quail eggs for a while along with my chicken eggs with little success. The first batch turned out to be mostly infertile. The two that started to develop didn't make it after my incubator temp went up to 109° in the night before I hooked up my thermostat controller even the chicken eggs made it through. Today is lock down for the 5 eggs I have now and I decided to water candled before hand like I had with the Ameraucana eggs. The first 2 sunk. They had never even developed. When I popped the 3rd I didn't expect anything from it as it stood stalk still in the warm waterwater even though it was floating. I was about to set it aside when it wobbled hard enough to make little ripples! All 3 of the remaining eggs wobbled quite vigorously and I've got my hopes up that they'll all three pull through... Fingers crossed!
Not sure exactly what you're asking, Bert... :confused:

Yes keep the newly hatched chicks away from those still zipping it waiting to zip.

Had a small scare Saturday. While we were at kids basketball games, a bad storm blew thru. Snapped a power line pole. We lost power for at least 3.5 hours. Incubator temp for down to 91. Took another hour or so before got back up to 100. Hoping I didn't lose any.
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