It hatched! Are they going to kill it? Update page 3.

Hey pied piper - the NH craigslist has gotten much more active in the past ~2 years. And you may find that Maine is worth your looking at, too. But I haven't seen any chicks on the VT one since the summer. Good luck finding chicks. And stay warm.
I howled when I saw the roasting pan too! Mom looks very pleased with herself. Don't you think she might be happy enough with one? Rather than risking the intro of stock you don't know and the possibility of pests, coccidiosis, etc?
I just think that more would make all the effort worth while, she has been sitting on these eggs since before december first! and one little chick just sems so lonely!

Why does she keep pecking at it tho.... Should I be worried about that?
I agree w/ Lynne P. If this was an incubator hatch I'd be looking for cheap chicks so the chick wouldn't be lonely (had to do that one or two times). But because it is with Momma Hen, I bet it will be in a social enough environment.
Oh god, really? I was thinking I woud do it at night, take out the two dud eggs she is sitting on, and slide the babies under the wing. She is a sweet momma, and one of our lap chickens, she lets me take the baby out now and handle it, and when I go to put it back, she rears up and makes an opening! It is soo cute

I dont want her to kill anything tho, I need more input.....

What a beautiful mama and beautiful baby!!!
My hen hatched 3 and 2 made it, they are now 3.5 weeks old. The temps were in the teens when they were a week old and it gets below freezing about every night. They are in the Hen house with the other birds and None of the adult birds have gone after the peeps. She is a great Mom and takes care of them very well. I would put your hen back with the chick and just let happen, happen. Even one of my roosters watches over the chicks when they go outside,it's pretty cool.

As for adding chicks, I would advise against it after the first day, She most likely will not accept them.

I have a hen once in a while who only has one chick. It works out fine. They are not lonely because they have each other. Chickie just gets that much more attention.

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